Shipping Rate From Cambridge to Auckland to Philippines
Destination | Xtra Large Box
| Large |
| Medium Box | |
MANILA | 265 | 185 | 155 | |||
LUZON A | 270 | 190 | 155 | |||
LUZON B | 275 | 195 | 160 | |||
ISLANDS | 280 | 200 | 165 | |||
VISAYAS | 285 | 205 | 170 | |||
MINDANAO | 290 | 210 | 175 |
NOTICE: Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Price effective Feb 08, 2024. Price cost within Cambridge area only additional charges outside coverage area can incur additional charges.
Complete form below to submit your request and our support team will process your order for an empty box or full box pick up.
Shipment - Click link to check our shipment schedules.
FNZ Balikbayan box padala
Helping our Filipino community in New Zealand to send their balikbayan boxes to their love ones.